East Portland Neurology is located at 10101 SE Main Street, Suite 2004, on the second floor of Building 2 at the Adventist Medical Center, near the junction of Interstate 205 and 84 in Portland, Oregon.

East Portland Neurology
10101 S.E. Main Street, Suite 2004
Portland, Oregon 97216
Ph: (503) 256-3034 Fax: (503) 256-3055
Directions to our office:
From 1-84
Take the 1-205 south exit (Salem). Stay in the right lane and watch for the immediate Glisan/Stark exit. Take the exit. Follow the green road signs directing toward Mall 205. This will take you across Glisan and Stark, left onto Washington, and right onto 99th. (The blue "H" signs will also help direct you.) Stay on 99th past Mall 205. Take a left on Main Street. The office building will be on your left.
From 1-205
Take the Glisan/Stark exit (if traveling southbound) or the Stark/Washington exit (if traveling northbound). Follow the green "Mall 205" and blue "H" road signs directing you onto Washington and then right onto 99th. Stay on 99th past Mall 205. Take a left on Main Street. The office building will be on your left.
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